
A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Give her the product of her hands,
And let her works praise her in the gates." (Proverbs 31:30b-31, NASV)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The First 6 Months with Fiona the Poo

Meet Fiona. AKA FiFi. AKA Poo. AKA Whiny the Poo.
Why on earth do we call her Whiny the Poo?
Because when I first rescued her about 6 months ago, she was super whiny. She'd whine whenever I took a shower, because she couldn't see me behind the shower curtain. She'd whine(-HOWL) when I left the apartment for even five minutes. She'd whine despite our cuddly-coos and belly rubs and rawrnawrawra's. She'd whine, then whine again.
And why is she a poo? Because she pooed somewhere a dog should never poo (the bed!!!)
But it was only once, and we have gotten past that.

This is what she first looked like when we got her:

Looking super pooish
But now, 6 months later, most of the whiny-ness has subsided and all of the poo has been kept outside in the yard. And what I have learned from these first 6 months is that being a pet owner is one of the great privileges of my adult life. Pets didn't stay around for very long in my house when I was growing up - something about my parents working long hours and my being-an-only-child didn't breed a pet-friendly environment. I always wondered deep down if I would ever have a pet of my own - to love and cherish 'til death do us part.
As it turns out, I am, we are, and she's ours.

And this is Fiona as she looks today:

Super happy Poo
And I am a blessed woman to have her in my life.


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